KoolBanana takes the pressure of! It works 24/7/365 recording, sending emails and alerts whenever there may be a problem.
Optionally, a Koolbanana can also monitor the mains power supply, fridge circuit or compressor performance.
You will be notified if power is lost at any time. A small UPS can be attached to keep the system running even if mains is lost. The small UPS will keep your modem powered also, and a power fail warning is sent as well.
You can choose any monitoring situation provided that it falls within the temperature range of -55 to +125 degrees C for a regular KoolBanana temperature probe.
You may put them in different cabinets or even have all sensors within one cabinet to obtain a temperature profile . It is entirely up to you how and where you use a Koolbanana.
KoolBanana operates via the Telegram App, email and a dedicated webpage log-in for your site.. Koolbanana can record and log into a client area of the Koolbanana website.
How does KoolBanana benefit me or my business?
The obvious is that it manages the manual paper reporting for you, but there is much more. Consider the following advantages and how this impacts you.
- Helps keep your business running smoothly. If you have a power failure or a fridge problem, you will be alerted prior to product or food spoilage and minimise the impact of the power loss.
- Eases the burden of regulatory compliance. There are various options with the Koolbanana product package that simplify this for you. Without doubt regulatory compliance will become more expansive over time.
- Enhances defense against unwarranted accusations or claims by furnishing documented evidence that attests to the proper management of your products. This documentation serves as tangible proof that your cabinets, fridges, freezers, etc., were operating effectively and meeting required standards.
- Possible direct financial savings. If you are insured against spoilage, your insurer may provide reduced premiums having installed Koolbanana. We are happy to work with your insurer. Alternatively, many customers who were un-insured due to high premiums can be comforted by the ability of the system to alert prior to noticing that a fridge is performing poorly.
- Your fridge may be holding temperature but the compressor is working too hard due to lack of maintenance or just wear and tear..
How does it work?
Koolbanana The temperature readings are accessed (Telegram/email/website) via the internet. An internet connection must be available in the proximity of the Koolbanana. The Koolbanana can be managed via telegram app and adjust operational settings as required.